Thursday, December 24, 2009

Peace Of Mind

As I write this, the holidays and the New Year are almost upon us. I am receiving greetings and wishes from friends wishing me health, wealth, happiness and good cheer. But I never read on that list of wishes the one thing I really want most: peace of mind.

I know people who have most of the things on the list and they are still unhappy. That is why I believe the most important thing to include is peace of mind, because without it, nothing will make us happy.

So next time we send out holiday greetings, remember to include the wish for peace of mind. May we all receive it this holiday season.

Remember, dont waste time comparing our life to others who seem more fortunate. Being fortunate is based on how much peace we have, not how many luxuries or conviniences we have.

Happy holidays and happy new year to each and everyone of you who read this and may you have peace of mind this coming year.


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