Wednesday, June 24, 2009


The root of the word intergrity means the quality of being complete or unbroken, or wholeness.

When are we whole? What does the word means to you? To me it is not about my body but a sense of who I am. It is about the essense regardless of how many body parts are missing or the condition of those present. My wholeness is about my intergrity as a human being. It is about my ability to love and be honest, my willingness to feel and even suffer. It is about my being real to all those with whom I have a relationships and being willing to look at the aspects of myself that I do not comfortable with.

To be whole is to be complete. To be complete is not just our physical parts but about being a complete human being, one who fulfills his or her part in the nature of life.

What make you feel whole and complete??

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