Thursday, August 13, 2009

Loving (Dedicated to my angel who once lost the love of....I know you are happy now)

To be in love however briefly
is to be truly wonderfully alive
Never to have loved
is to leave the map of your soul uncharted, unexplored
You cannot know the ecstacy of loving
Without having suffered its agonies
Only when you have waited cold and lonely,
through the hours of night
Will you truly savor the morning sun
Feeling its warmth caress your body.

Then to be heartbroken is to be truly dead inside
Never in your wildest dream,
you will imagine the pain it can brings
You pray that you
can just disssappear from the face of the earth
You will never belief that someone
can cause so much hurt and so much pain
That your stomach starts to cramp
and your lungs fail to work
That your heart bleeds so much
It hurts in a way that cant be spoken
You feel you are slowly dying...
Alive but dead inside
Here but nowhere


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