Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy 31st August

Can we really flow with the flow of life??? Can we stand tall and be proud of ourselves??? Can we really feel the freedom in every sheet of life's pages???
Happy 31st August to all Malaysian whereever you are. Independence Day, Freedom Day...celebrate...

Can we really celebrate the freedom of our heart, the freedom of our soul, the freedom of our life, the freedom of our love??? Or are we still trap inside our own life's puzzle??

Only we know.....

Selamat Hari Merdeka buat kalian warga Malaysia.

Merdekakah hati kita? merdekakah jiwa kita? merdekakah kehidupan kita? merdekakah cinta kita? Atau kita masih terperangkap dalam sangkar kehidupan...???

Hanya kita yang tahu....



Sarah Nor said...

saye tak pernah rase saye merdeka~ saye plng tak ske bile da jadi 1 tipu je...but let's not get there~

yep saye maseh terperangkap dlm sngkar khdpn...trap in a broken world..i dont like my life...i really hate my life! merdeka?! tak pernah rase ape maksud btol2 merdeka tu!

ESAmor said...

when we live our life controlled by fear and desire, we will never be free.....